One of the more rewarding projects I’ve worked on, the branding of PKG, a branding and packaging agency, included top-to-bottom communications strategy and execution. Working closely with Creative Director (and great partner), Liz Schwartz, I crafted the mission statement, developed the company name and was responsible for the entire written brand story — capabilities, process, website, case studies, webinars/Prezis, press releases, job listings, video — setting up a studio to record and produce the voiceover in-house — and writing/editing proposal and presentation content, along with whatever else the agency needed to promote itself, including writing the occasional blog post.

Responsibility | Naming, Concepts, Writing, Strategy, Print and digital content
Team | Liz Schwartz: Creative direction | Sarah Wielusz: Designer | Jessie Sepulveda: Video production

Website screen grabs.

Push email campaign.